Thursday, July 1, 2010

Corny Friday- Week Eight- On Thursday Evening

Q. How do you change soup into gold?
A. Add 24 carrots.
I anticipate tomorrow being a busy day so here we go.  This will be the last time I take pictures across and down the rows. The rows are filled in and no longer distinguishable. They might still be visible from the air, but alas, that dream where I fly has never materialized during my waking hours.

I have always taken the "down the rows" shot by walking into the field a number of rows. From that same vantage point....

Someone Familiar In The Corn
I am five foot four inches tall. 

Somewhat Familiar Object for Comparison
Remember the circle tires? The circle is parked at the edge of the field.  The corn on the edges is always a little shorter than that further in. 

Something else
Some pretty flowers in the yard.

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