Saturday, July 10, 2010

Corny Friday/Saturday Bonus

I believe I have said before that consistency is not in my character. For that reason I am still pleased that I have maintained the Corny Friday postings as well as I have, in spite of a day or two variation from being strictly a Friday post.
Q.  How hot is it?
A.  It's so hot that that my seat belt buckle doubles as a branding iron.
It has been hot since Monday and the corn loves the heat! This photo is of Rachel standing in the corn.  Like me, she's not particularly tall so we measured her from her feet to the tips of her fingers. That measurement it six feet, so that is the perspective. 
She was scared the whole time we took this because it reminded her of some crazy movie she saw a long time ago that involved a maniac trucker chasing teenagers through a corn field and saying "candy cane" in a creepy voice.  Since I don't watch scary movies, I'm not afraid of corn. 

Now for the BONUS feature
Last Saturday we celebrated the 4th of July by lighting off fireworks in the back yard with Michael and Ivy. I have a point and shoot type camera that is nothing special but it has a few pre-set things to pick from. I set it on the one for fireworks. I got lucky and got one pretty cool fireworks picture. 

We have a silly tradition that my sons started years and years ago where they dance around and jump over the strobe type of firework. They thought it looked pretty awesome when they were about 10 years old and for some reason they just didn't stop as the years went by. Michael wouldn't have done the fireworks dance this year except that I insisted he show Ivy.
I still had my camera set in fireworks mode and when I took a picture of the fireworks dance it turned out very odd and ghostly, but I like it. 

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