Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My grandchildren came to visit a while ago. I always take pictures of them and they always want to look on the camera's small screen and look at themselves. This time my five year old granddaughter wanted to take a picture. I should have known that taking ONE picture would not satisfy her and in fact would only fuel her desire to take more.
If I had a camera that I really loved, I probably would have said no. However, I have been thinking that I want a new camera that uses a rechargeable battery and not the AA kind.  I figured if she broke the camera it wouldn't matter.  It might even give me the excuse to get a camera since I have a hard time buying something new when the old thing is still usable. 

She had a wonderful time taking pictures and was busy and happy literally for hours. If I hadn't run out of AA batteries, I don't know when she would have tired of it.  Since "wasting" film is not an issue with these new fangled digital cameras, I didn't care that she took over 800 pictures. Best of all were the unintended consequences; great pictures!  She took pictures of things that most adults would not consider taking. She took lots of pictures of things with texture and patterns, floors, walls, closeups of furniture. She really liked taking closeups.

 Here is a photbucket link to a few of the pictures. (not 800, just a few) I have organized them a little bit. The first ones are close ups with interesting textures and shadows.
Next, a few with feet. (she had about 25 pictures of her feet in different places and poses), then some toys, some misc things, some faces, and some things that most adults would not be interested in, like the inside of the garbage can and the tail end of the dog.  The pictures are more interesting if you click on the first one to make it larger and then go through them that way. 


  1. Wow she could start her own business, go Natalie! I like the picture of the owl!

  2. another Hammond photographer in the making....Love these pics!!!
