Monday, November 8, 2010

The Final Act- Corn Harvest

Two ears of corn were walking down the street. One ear turned to the other and said, "Don't look now but I think we are being followed by a stalker!"

This evening I heard the roar of machinery and knew the time had come to say good bye to the corn field.
I wasted no time in getting some pictures because by morning the corn will be gone.

This is one of the combimes.

This is Nick. He had no idea why I was taking his picture, but when I pointed to my mouth and smiled really big, he smiled back.  Either he understood my pantomine, or he was laughing at me for acting like a dork!

 (NOTE: The video works if you view it in IE or FireFox, but not in Chrome, which makes no sense to me since I think Chrome and Blogger are both Google things. Maybe it's just my computer, who knows. I hope you can see the video) 
I am so excited that I was able to post video from my camera! This is a first for my blog. You can see how the combine picks up the corn and then spits out all the stocks and cobs out the back. I don't know the machanics of it all so even though I can see it, it still seems like magic to me.  The corn is in the combine and when the hopper is full it will be loaded into a truck.
This is all that is left behind. Can you believe how the kernals are just stripped off  the cob?

And there you have it! All the clean corn being transferred from the combine hopper to another hopper that will transfer it for storage. It almost looks like a liquid as it pours out, but that just lots and lots of corn kernals.
They worked for a few hours in the dark since the tractors and combines all have lights. In the morning I will add  a picture of the field's new look.


  1. Pretty cool to see how they harvest, thanks for the videos! Are you guys going to be surrounded by cattle this winter?
