Last Sunday, while visiting in Seattle (more about our visit in a post to follow), I was sitting in Church in the pew behind a young couple that was trying to keep their very young daughter happy and quiet during the meeting. After she got bored with the book and toy that the parents brought for her, she somehow got a hold of her Dad's wallet. He didn't seem to mind at all, in fact he may have been glad she was entertained. Perhaps he also didn't mind too much because, I noticed, there was no money in the wallet. She pulled out the cards in the wallet one by one and examined them. I guess I should have been paying more attention to the meeting but it was hard not to watch this cute little girl and the treasures she pulled from the wallet. There was one credit, a health insurance card, a drivers license, and a library card. That was all.
I thought that compared to my wallet, it was pretty sparse. I also wondered how it might reflect on the young father. No cash-could be typical for any young family. It made me think, I would like this person, because he had a library card. That surely means he likes to read and learn. I thought that he must be financially responsible -only ONE credit card and that he cared about his family's health.
Later while driving home, as Dave and Rachel were sleeping, my mind wondered back to the wallet and I wondered what my wallet says about me. So here's my little trip into self discovery by way of my wallet contents.
Health Insurance card- I'm lucky my husband's job comes with benefits
2 pictures-one of each daughter...hmmm I need to add my sons and grandchildren
Tip calculator card- I do tip.
Roadside assistance card- I'm prepared
AAA card- I'm extra prepared
Oil change discount card- I'm thifty/cheap
An herb farm business card- why did I keep that? It's for, if you need any lavender or other herbs.
A library card- and proud of it!
Three expired coupons-now tossed out
Temple recommend-I'm serious about being LDS
Driver's license and proof insurance card-I'm a law abiding citizen, who doesn't speed-much.
AARP card-Darn! I'm old
Costco Card- I like to buy things in large quantities that I may or may not need.
Subway points card- I admit it, I eat fast food and I'm thirfty/cheap about it.
Ephrata High School Football Gold Card - that's 20 bucks in discounts I will never recoup...go team!
Three credit cards- Probably two too many!
$16.00- When I say I don't carry cash, that is not a lie to avoid giving to the homeless.
Is this too much info to give out about myself on the internet? Perhaps, but Facebook already knows everything about me so that ship has already sailed.
So there is my life in a nutshell/wallet.
That was cool. My wallet resembles yours. Maybe it's because we are older or something....:) I'm going to go clean out my purse now. Love, Marie