Wednesday, February 3, 2010

They don't put yams on valentines anymore!

Surfing the web is a favorite mind dulling past time of mine. I know, me and half the population so there's no news there. I don't watch TV much anymore. When people say,"so many channels and nothing to watch" I agree. I admit that for some reason I still watch Survivor when it comes around. However, I find myself surfing the web during my down time instead of watching CNN Headline News repeat the headlines every 30 minutes.
 Of late, I have been surfing around looking at valentines, vintage valentines. Current valentines are soooo boring. They are all cartoon characters (Spiderman wants you to have a Happy Valentines Day) or for the older crowd, lots of nasty or stupid jokes. (i.e. I know my husband loves me because he doesn't fart on Valentines Day). Below are some great valentines from days gone by.

1 comment:

  1. I always think of you on Valentine's Day. When I came to visit in 2002 I arrived on Valentine's Day. I didn't even realize until I saw heart-shaped boxes of chocolate on your table and thought, "Oh right, today is the 14th." I never expected that one of those boxes had my name on it.

    It may seem small, but that box of chocolate made me feel more loved and welcome than I can express. It's the little things.
