Friday, May 14, 2010

Corny Friday

 Q.What do you call a fish with no eyes?  A. Fsh.
Now that I have that out of the way, I am going to start a Friday photoblog that will focus (pun intended) on the corn field around my house.
 When I walk Rachel's dog everyday, I walk down the small dirt path along the edge of the field.  We, meaning our family farm, used to farm this field as well as several others for just over 20 years but about ten years ago things changed.  Dave and I both went back to teaching, he full time at the community college and I as a substitute then later as a part time teacher in a private church (LDS) school.  Now we rent out our land and let others worry about the weather, the markets, the banker and the never ending labor. I am always amused when people look off into the distance and speak wistfully and longingly about the pastoral farm lifestyle. These are not farmers. These are they who think they know something about something they know nothing about. They are thinking of gardening.
 Despite our lack of direct involvement in the farming, I enjoy living on our farm land and I enjoy watching things grow. This year the renters are growing sweet corn in the field that surrounds our house. The photoblog will chronicle the weekly changes or more precisely, the growth of the corn.

This may look like a bare field, but it is not. This is looking parallel to the planted rows.

This was taken at the same time, only looking down the planted rows.

This is a close up of a single corn plant.

This is a single corn plant by a familiar object, for size perspective.

The familiar object is my 2 1/4 inch by 4 inch cell phone not the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly, with the above blog. Good observations, Sylvia. :)
