Friday, June 25, 2010

All In A Dither

I don't know why everything, some good things and some not so good things, all have to happen at once. I've been driving all over the state doing things with and for my children.  Some of it has been really fun, but some has been costly and some stressful. However, I reached a tipping point today.  I was driving home. When I came to the stop sign at an intersection about two miles from my house my brakes went soft and I didn't come to a stop until I was in the intersection. No one was coming so there was no immediate danger. I know I should just be grateful for not being in accident and not complain but I haven't figured out how to be that person yet. Instead of smiling calmly with just a touch or resignation and saying, "life is like a box of chocolates... etc. etc."  I get myself all in a dither.
It's going to be a little crazy to get things done without my van considering that Rachel will need help moving to a new place, Sarah's car is in the shop and now she really will have to rely on her friends or her brother to help her work out transportation, and somehow I have to figure out how to return the grandkids to their parents in two days.  (Would someone please fix the grammar and punctuation in that sentence? I am just too tired to figure it out)
The other issue that makes my head spin is thinking about if I should have the brakes fixed or if I should get a new van. The current one is seven years old and has 160,000 miles on it, but it is paid off.  Brakes will cost five or six hundred dollars. I looked at the Kelly Blue Book for my van and it said $1,700 -$3,000. It hardly seems worth it to sink money into it now. On the flip side, a little time with my dear friend the internet search engine has shown me that a new van will cost 30-35K. Dither! I could buy used but that can be a crap shoot.
Also, it's not that easy to find a minivan. The manufactures are all about SUVs and cross-over vehicles. Minivans are just "too mom."  Well, I am a mom and I don't want a SUV that I'll need a step stool to get into or a cross-over which I can only assume is a small truck with an identity crisis.
The Honda Odyssey has good on-line reviews.  Midas muffler has good review for fixing brakes.
I have a hard time sleeping when I get all in a dither.  Why do I do this to myself?  I am not going to get good reviews tomorrow from my grandkids. It is almost 1:30 AM. I need to just stop.


  1. Wow! When it rains, it does pour! I am sorry to hear about the van, I am glad you are OK though!!! I think you and dad should just get a hot rod convertible and enjoy your kidless house like everyone else, you deserve it! ;)

  2. Just fix the van. Mine is 12 years old with 145K miles on it (not as many as yours), but I just did quite a bit of work on it, and it is running well. It is cheaper than a new one and more certain than a used car that you don't know its history. Now if you WANT a new one... that is different. I'm sorry so much is happening at once. Good things mostly, than goodness. Forgive me if I am acting like mom or your old sister.
