Saturday, June 19, 2010


I feel bad, or under educated or both that I had never heard of Juneteenth until two years ago. I don't remember it being talked about in any history class when I was in school and I don't remember my children studying about it. I don't know much about the non-white history of America.  I don't think there has been much progress in  teaching more than the "white" story line in schools that are predominately white. It may be better in other schools, but my experience and my children's experience is essentially the same. All of black history is summed up in a few sentences. Black slaves came from Africa. That was bad. Lincoln freed the slaves. A little while later Martin Luther King showed up so black people could ride in the front of the bus and somewhere along the line there was a guy who invented peanut butter. 
While I admit to knowing a bit more than that, I am not being overly factitious. I feel like I am really missing out on something important in the same way I feel like I am missing out on great and important things about women from the days ( and some might even say to this day) when really only the history of the lives of men mattered to society (or at least to those keeping the records).
I read an interesting article in The Root that said some people think they should not talk about or celebrate Juneteenth because they are not African American and therefore it is not their holiday. The writer's reply to that was, "Think about it. How many holidays do you "celebrate" that have nothing to do with you? St. Patrick's Day or Cinco de Mayo, anyone?"  ( I think that is a good point.
So to one and all,  "Happy Juneteenth"

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