Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Do They Do That?

The Seminary building that I teach in is kitty corner from the High School.  ( If I may digress for a moment.... I have always said kitty corner and after a quick web search have learned that the preferred usage is catty corner. It has nothing to do with cats or kittens jaywalking but other less entertaining word origins. Cattywumpus is also a fun word, which I hope to remember to use more often.)  High School graduation was last Friday so the seniors are gone and the poor sad freshman, sophomore, juniors and might I add teachers, are left to take finals and somehow do something productive for the next two and half days.  Meanwhile, what are many of the seniors doing? Those young people who were itching to get out of the school for the entire last school year are hanging around and driving around the school! Why do they do that? I've asked students this question in years past. Some have said, "Oh you know, I just wanted to visit my teachers."  This answer make my head spin because just the week before they hated those very same mean, unfair, slave driving teachers! Others want to show off that they don't have to be there. I think the best way to show off that you don't have to be at school is to not be at school.
I know this has been going on for a very long time because I remember seniors coming back to school when I was in high school, which was indeed a very long time ago. I didn't understand it then either. I was so glad to be out of high school. When many of my friends were crying at graduation, it would have taken a shot of pepper spray to the eye to make me cry.  I liked high school as well as most people, in fact probably better than many. My freshman year I was lost and insecure, my sophomore year I was rebellious, my junior year I came into my own and by my senior year I was student body president, spoke at graduation and graduated with honors. I can't really complain. However, I danced out of graduation and basically never looked back. I had to qualify it with "basically" because I did go back once after I was married to see my two favorite teachers. One had forgotten me so she is off my favorites list now. The other seemed sincerely happy that I was happy. I also hoped to bump into the assistant principal who could never let go of the fact that I skipped school once ( One time...get over it!) and prove to him that I had not spent any time in a women's correctional facility. Unfortunately, I didn't have the satisfaction of that meeting.
So today the ritual of returning to school for no apparent reason continued and I continued to not understand.

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