Saturday, August 7, 2010

Is It Corn Yet?

A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender if he has any corn. The bartender says. "We don't have  corn here. So get out of here." The next day the duck returns to the bar and asks for corn. The bartender says, "I told you we don't have any corn, get out and don't come back.!" The next day the duck returns to the bar and asks for corn. The bartender orders the duck to leave and says. "If you come back again I will nail your webbed feet to the floor." The next day the duck returns and asks the bartender for nails. " I don't have nails, this is a bar!" says the bartender.  The duck then says, "Good, can I have some corn?"
The sweet corn growers are beginning to harvest their corn, but we are watching field corn and it has a ways to go. 

The ears need to  get
 larger and the kernels need
 to  be a darker yellow. 


Below is one more picture to show the height of the corn. 

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