Monday, August 2, 2010

Those summer days!

July has gone by so quickly.
We have been getting Rachel set up in a new apartment. We had a fun project refinishing and painting some yard sale furniture for her and it turned out great.
The grandkids came for a few days. We had fun just hanging out together, nothing fancy.

Alex taking things apart and Natalie putting them back together.

Walking the dog  (and taking fly swatters everywhere they went for one full day. I know they must have had a great reason for that, it just didn't translate to the adult mind.)

Exploring old farm 

Helping Grandpa with chores

Taking it easy

Alex insisting he wasn't tired then falling asleep in his chair.

Getting ready to call it a day. 

The day after the little kids left, the big kids (specifically, Michael and Ivy) came for the week-end and the adventures continued. More about that tomorrow. 

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