I've heard it said that even though getting older has some drawbacks, the big payoff is the addition of wisdom. I'm not so sure. Knowledge is fun, learning new things and going new places, but wisdom seems to come with a price. There is a song titled The Hill by Marketa Irglova & Glen Hansard that has the line:
I wish I didn't have to make
All those mistakes and be wise
(now, least anyone look up the song and think I am having an affair or something stupid like that, it is just the one line, taken out of context that I am referring to)
Wisdom, if there really is such a thing, seems to come on the heels of mistakes or difficult experiences. Difficult experiences are often gilded with "what doesn't kill, you makes you stronger." I agree with that to some degree but think a more honest assessment would add that you will be beat up, worn out, at least temporarily weakened, and require some time to recover.
Perhaps it is just the grey weather we've been having, but today I would like to skip the wisdom, perhaps have a little knowledge on the side and order a big helping of ignorance is bliss.
I enjoy making mistakes. I appreciate pain for what it is - not just what I learn from it. I love my scars with the same passion that got me them in the first place.