Sunday, January 3, 2010

I want an iPhone and an iMac

     My first computer (about 1985?) was some sort of IBM monster that I convinced Dave would solve all of  the payroll and banking needs of our farm. The screen display was only in ghostly green letters and we had to learn DOS commands to run the programs. It did not display pictures or video and there was no internet. (I think Al Gore had already invented the internet but only two professors at Harvard and one at Cal Berkley knew about it.)
     Our next computer was an Apple IIe.  I convinced Dave that our children would never succeed in school without it. It had a full color monitor and many educational games. Oh, and it had sound! A computer that could talk and not just beep. It felt like 2001 and it was only 1990. The game I remember most had little bears that would do things like climb up a vine or down a vine when my brilliant children answered questions correctly. I still had to use basic DOS commands to start programs.(Thank goodness someone finally figured out autorun.)  The pictures were the opposite of high def. Everything looked like it was built out of legos.
      Many computers and laptops later (mostly HP PCs), I now want an iMac.  I plan on convincing Dave that I will be able to do marvelous things with all our family photos and videos; and reduce the huge piles of unorganized genealogy into neat little folders of discs.  I also want an iPhone but cannot for the life of me think of a way to justify it. 
      For the record, Dave was never fooled by any of my great reasons for "needing" new computers. He knows that I just really like them. I also never ask for diamonds or pearls.  After all you can't write a blog on a diamond....although....can you imagine if you could?  There may be a future app for that.
(Tomorrow I will not write about computers.)


  1. iPhones are like roses. They don't need a reason to exist and they both bring beauty to the world.

    You are now linked on my blog.

  2. Sylvia,
    If I have an Iphone - you can justify having an iphone. I got Rocky's hand=me down 2GB Iphone a year or so ago and I've loved it so much that Jay got me a 3GB for Christmas. It's a little computer. You can do anything on it. I read books on it when we were on a train for hours in Russia.
    I hope that helps. (smiling)

  3. I love my iPhone (named iGor). I use it to do everything from text my mother, find my subway stop, study German, pop virtual bubble wrap, keep my calendar synced with my Macbook (named Abulafia, Abu for short), etc. The main justification for me was that I was paying the same monthly charge for my Blackberry and it didn't have half the features available. Interestingly, having the iPhone has lessened my time on the computer. I check Facebook, Twitter, and email all from my phone. This helps my tendonitis and and allows me to make my office almost entirely "workspace".

    Also, I really like iPhoto. Sorting photos, uploading to Facebook, etc. is much easier than with any other photo software I've used. Plus, there's this awesome face recognition that allows me to sort photos by people in them. It guesses who is who and the times it's wrong serves to show me how much my siblings and I look alike. Rather entertaining.

    You can always say, "Remember how spot on Liz's suggestion that I get a Navigon was? Well, she has suggested an iPhone and an iMac."
