Thursday, January 28, 2010

While I wasn't writing

I would like to keep my blog going consistently. The problem with that is that I learned a long time ago that I am not a particularly consistent person. To phrase that with a positive spin, one might say I am not a slave to routine. This may be part of the reason that the line from the Jason Mraz song, I'm Yours" that says "I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some."  appeals to me.  I don't subscribe to the philosophy that there must always be a winner and a loser. I really hate the phrase, that I first heard from a high school student athlete (emphasis on athlete, not student) who said, " If you are in second place you are just the first loser."

With that, here's a few unrelated of things I have been thinking about while I haven't been writing.
Thing one.
 I have been listening to the afore mentioned Jason Mraz.  I have also watched him on You tube.  The music is fun but I think it will be a passing fancy for me.  I hear shades of  Paul McCartney when he was in his Wings phase and a few high notes that made me think of Michael Jackson. His videos are mighty easy on the eyes. What a cute kid. (If anyone is saying Ewww, and by anyone I mean my own children, remember I am old, not dead)
Thing two
I like wearing perfume and don't like that now I have to feel guilty about it or not wear it because I might set off someone's allergies.
Thing three
The spell checker tells me that "afore" is spelled wrong and then the dictionary has the gall to tell me that the word is obsolete. I feel insulted.
Thing four
Why do I like salty food so much?


  1. Okay so I am totally with you on the whole perfume thing, I know I am going to be one of those old ladies who is 80
    years old and wears too much perfume and is offending people with my musky scent left and right, the only difference
    is that I will know exactly what I am doing and I won't give a hoot! PS I love salty food too!

  2. I am neither a consistent blog writer, nor a consistent blog reader. I used to be, when I worked a desk job.

    Blogging and writing should be fun. So write what you want, when you want. And I will read when I should be doing homework. ;)
