Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

My mother passed away a few years ago. My mother-in-law, whom I also love, has passed away as well.   I don't like not having anyone to send a Mother's Day card to.  It isn't unusual for people of my age to no longer have living parents, but that doesn't mean one has to like it.  I remember talking to a friend of mine after her mother passed away.  We agreed that you feel a bit like an orphan.
Even though I can't call my Mom on the phone, it doesn't stop me from talking to her.  I talk to her quite a lot. Not long after she passed away when something would happen that I would normally share with her, it would make me feel bad and lonely.  I decided I would just talk to her anyway, as if she were there.  She isn't the only dead person I talk to, so judge away.  I think it keeps me sane, not makes me insane.  When I am home alone I even talk out loud to her.  I don't hear voices in return, if that makes any difference. I know my mother well.  I think I know what her responses would be, most of the time.  It's easy to imagine her smile or laugh or even her look of disapproval.
Still, there are stories that will remain untold and advice that will remain unknown.  Even though I have a wonderful husband, incredible children, a loving brother and sister, and dear friends there are somethings, at least in my case, that I only discuss with my Mom.  Even though I have a good imagination, and even more than that, I believe in spiritual connections, I miss her.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved that picture of Mom. Thank you for sharing your memories of her. Sometimes I talk to her, too, and like you, I know what she would say in most situations. She must have taught us well.

    Love you
