Wednesday, May 12, 2010

'O Sole Mio is not the same as All By Myself

I am going to posts two posts today, if I have time. I was going to post one post and I was going to title it, 'O Sole Mio because I thought 'O Sole Mio had something to do with being alone or solo. I am so glad that I decided to do some minimal research first since, although I have come to appreciate and enjoy opera in the last few years, I am not at all educated about it and I think this is probably pretty basic "need to know" opera stuff.   As it turns out, the translation of this song is very beautiful.  So I am exposing my own ignorance in order to share it with you, just in case it is an area in which you are also lacking.

English translation Of 'O Sole Mio
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day,
The air is serene after a storm
The air's so fresh that it already feels like a celebration
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day
But another sun,
that's brighter still
It's my own sun
that's upon your face!
The sun, my own sun
It's upon your face!
It's upon your face!
When night comes and the sun has gone down,
I almost start feeling melancholy;
I'd stay below your window
When night comes and the sun has gone down.
But another sun,
that's brighter still
It's my own sun
that's upon your face!
The sun, my own sun
It's upon your face!
It's upon your face!         
 Listen to this. There are many renditions of it on YouTube but I especially  liked this one.                                                                                                 
Listen to this.
If you are really up for some fun, now you can write a compare and contrast paper. 
Minimum of three pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. 

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