Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Photo A Day-Something You Wore

Today I wore my heart on my sleeve. I feel  overwhelmed by global problems of hate, injustice, cruelty, name it. Sometimes I feel like all I can do is make things a tiny bit better in  my little corner of the world, but I don't like feeling that way. It seems defeatist.
On my way to Seattle today I stopped by a man who was holding a sign proclaiming that he was an unemployed veteran in need of help. I gave him some money and a bottle of Diet Coke. Did I just enable an addiction? Was I scammed by someone who makes more money standing on a corner than holding down a job?  I don't like having to second guess myself about kindness. When I got home I took this picture.  Foolish or not, I often find that my heart is on my sleeve, I don't have an answer.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I give money or food to lots of people who I think might look like they really need it. But like you, I am never sure I am not providing a way for them to get drunk. Other times I just walk on by. Something is telling me "no not this time." When that happens, I like to think that maybe God is helping me in my decision to help or not.
