Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Photo A Day-Window

These window are located in the Everette Washington Train Station. I took the picture yesterday, so that is close enough for my version of photo-a-day.  Notice that the circular design in the middle is a clock that says about three minutes before five. My train left at 5:30. I made a very quick trip over the mountain to drop a car off and so the train was my ride home. I spent about two hours with Ivy and Felix. Usually when we visit we make a day or two of it.  This short visit made me wish that all of my kids and grand kids lived close enough that I could just pop in for a quick visit any old time and not have to plan for a whole day of travel. Still, I shouldn't complain. At least all of them live in the western U.S. and not the far flung corners of the globe.

The train is always an interesting journey. People  feel very free to talk to you as if you were their life long friend when you sit by them on the train. The woman next to me told me all about a terrible accident she had been in three years ago and how she had been badly burned. She then rolled up her sleeves and her pant leg and showed me the scars. It was a little more than I wanted from a casual acquaintance but when you are on the train, you are a captive audience.  She was a forty one year old Montana girl on her way home from visiting her sister in Seattle. She offered to share her dinner with me, which was a chunk of meat and chunk of cheese from which she was cutting slices with a large pocket knife. I declined since I had some granola and seven drinks (a combination of Sobe and Diet Coke. I just loaded my purse up with drinks before I left. I don't know when I thought I would drink them all. Just being prepared, right Ivy *private joke-sorry*)
Anyway, she shared her life story. I showed her an app on my phone. I guess I don't share as easily, but I was happy to listen.

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