Monday, May 3, 2010

Nothing is Fool Proof

Why, why, why can I NOT make bread? Everyone I know can make bread. "Use my recipe, it's fool proof," they say.  "With this machine, a monkey could make bread," they say. Well I have been trying for thirty years and all I have proven is that I am neither a monkey nor a fool, since apparently they can both make bread.

I got a wheat grinder/mill for my anniversary. I asked for it. Dave wasn't dropping big hints or anything like that. I haven't tried to make bread for a few years and some how I thought that this grinder would be the missing piece of the bread making puzzle. I was excited. I was confident.

Awesome new wheat grinder

Pure and nutritious hard red wheat

Freshly ground wheat flour veritably bursting with retained vitamins and fiber

The fool proof recipe (feel free to use it, it works for everyone)

My "even a monkey can make bread with a Bosch" Bosch mixer.
 (see the nicely mixed dough)

The dough was soft, not too dry, not too sticky. It looked lovely in the pans. It smelled oh so delicious while cooking in the oven (which was set at just the right temperature).

AND THEN......

        BRICKS of bread! I always make bricks.

Yup definitely bricks.

1 comment:

  1. Bricks of bread are still bread, no?

    My mother makes bricks of bread and they are delicious. The molasses cookie shingles, on the other hand, not so good.
